Monday, March 10, 2008

Article 15 - Health

Section 1: Every local government shall provide one dispensary at local level, where doctor shall be sitting minimum an hour everyday according to schedule and health assistance shall be available round the clock.
Section 2: There shall be Janpad Hospital by Janpad government at each Janpad where a patient can be treated for normal disease and there should be facility for indoor treatment with transport facility to cover the whole area under the Janpad.
Section 3: There shall be a district hospital at each district with indoor and outdoor treatment facility with minimum specialist required to tackle the decease.
Section 4: Each Province shall have a medical collage from where transportation facility to the district Hospital and Special hospital shall be available according to requirement. Provincial government shall establish this.
Section 5: The Union government shall provide one hospital to each Province dedicated to single disease having best specialist. The Union shall also provide number of hospital in the whole union according to requirement, which should be capable of dealing all kind of eventuality with transport facility between various medical collages.
Section 6: Legislature should provide for compulsory medical insurance for those who are in a position to afford it.
Section 7: A local health authority may apply to the court for a childcare order. The court can only make this if it is satisfied that the child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm.
Section 8: There should be compulsory programs of immunization against diseases likely to harm child.
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