Sunday, March 9, 2008

Article 16 - Employment

Section 1: Every employer must declare, within two weeks of his employing, any employee in service.
Section 2: The state shall publish pay scales, which can be provided to an employee with no upper limit, and an employer can provide any scale among these. All employers shall pay the salary to their employee through bank only.
Section 3: Each unemployed should get clothes, shelter, food and little money for expenditure according to law, against which he shall be required to work for the state as per direction or go for further education according to desire of state.
Section 4: Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
Section 5: Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. The basic working hours shall be about forty hours in a week. A five-day week shall usually work. Overtime shall be paid at same or higher rates.
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Article 17 - Language

Section 1: The official language of the Union shall be Hindi in Devnagari script.
Section 2: A territorial unit by referendum may adopt any one language as official language of territorial unit.
Section 3: All education shall be provided either in official language of Union or official language of territorial unit or in English, but in any case at least half syllabus of the education must be taught in English medium except the learning of language.
Section 4: Two or more Province can agree on any language to be the official language for communication between such Provinces. Otherwise the language of communication between the Provinces and between the Provinces and Union shall be Hindi and English.
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Article 18 - Education and Literacy

Section 1: A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people, it shall be the duty of the State to make suitable law for establishing, supporting and maintenance of an efficient system of public free schools for elementary education and other schools for higher and special education.
Section 2: Education shall be divided into elementary education, Higher education and special education.
Section 3: The local government shall provide for compulsory elementary education.
Section 4: The Provincial government shall provide for Higher education, which shall include most degree level courses of different branches.
Section 5: The Union government shall arrange for establishment, control and maintenance of specialist institution at least one at every Province on one field and in doing so Union government shall ensure that there should not be gape of more then one institution between maximum and minimum institutes in any two Provinces.
Section 6: State must insure that no one is denied admission in any field of education merely because he lacks in monitory resources.
Section 7: State should provide by law recovery of money paid off on education of person, when he start earning at some later stage. But no law can recover money from a citizen who does not have income after completion of education.
Section 8: Yoga and Sports shall be essential part of elementary education.
Section 9: Denial of convergence to every citizen is denial of right to information and education thus at every village and at every ward of a city, the state shall ensure a Convergence centre generally with Internet facility. All citizens below poverty line shall have access to these centres at least one hour a day free of cast. All citizens above poverty line shall be provided with access to these convergent centres at minimum cost, which, shall be decided by law. Internet line to citizen shall be provided chiefly at their residence.
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Article 19 - Population

Section 1: There should be two-child norm in general till population of the country come under control.
Section 2: The state should ensure that generally birth of child takes place in government-recognised health centres.
Section 3: There should be compulsory fertility elimination operation after birth of second child.
Section 4: A couple chooses to adopt fertility elimination method after one child, shall be provided with special benefits which must include an amount equal to that of per-capita income of country of one year. Union and Provincial government through provision of law shall provide other benefits.
Section 5: The Union government shall stop providing special benefits by enacting law if in the opinion of Union government population of country has came under control and no more these special methods are required for population control. But any such law will not affect those who have already come under the special benefit.
Section 6: Any person in contravention of this Article give birth to third child, shall be punished with amount equal to that of Per-capita income of two year of nation and he shall cease to be qualified for any post which obtains remuneration from the government. He shall not be provided with any assistance, which is available through social security programme.
Section 7: A person should not be treated violator of two-child norm if his third and next to third child is result of nature, which is not in his control.
Section 8: If a couple want to take benefit of one child norm and get themselves registered for it before date of delivery, and happen to get twin child, the couple and the each child shall be entitled for benefit of one child norm.
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20 Election
21 Political Parties
22 Referendum
23 Recall
24 Impeachment
25 Emergency
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Article 20 - Election

Section 1: The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of the electoral rolls for, and conduct of, all elections of legislature and executive posts under Bharat Sangh shall be vested in a election commission referred to in this constitution as the Election Commission.
Section 2: The election commission shall consist of one chief election commissioner and other two election commissioners, who shall act as an autonomous body.
Section 3: There shall be regional election commissioners who shall be appointed by the executive head of that territory on advice of immediate superior election commissioner.
Section 4: Regional Commissioner shall not be removed from office except on recommendation of CEC.
Section 5: Referendum on any subject shall be conducted by the CEC according to provisions of the constitution and law made for the purpose.
Section 6: All election disputes including first appeal shall be decided by court of same hierarchy and wherever possible by superior hierarchy at lest three days prior to date of oath.
Section 7: Every person who is a citizen of Bharat and who is not less than eighteen year of age on the date of election may be fixed in that behalf by or under law made by appropriate legislature and not otherwise disqualified under this constitution or any other law made by the appropriate legislature on the ground of non residence, unsoundness of mind, crime or corrupt or illegal practice shall be entitled to be registered as a voter at any such election.
Section 8: Generally a government servant shall not be allowed to get involved in Political activity. But he wish to be a candidate for any post in local government except of Union and Province, he should give prior notice of one year of his intention to contest election with the area from where he wants to contest. The government once receives such letter should ensure that he is no more posted in the area to which he wants to represent. If a government servant wins the election, he will receive the remuneration same as he was receiving as a government until he resign from that government post and becomes fulltime political member. Such government servant will be given special leave during period for which legislative body to which he is a member is under session. In case such government servant want to contest for the post of Executive head or Deputy Executive Head he will need to give a conditional resignation from service for acceptance of it in case he wins the election. A government servant cannot be a candidate for representing any political post in union or Province government.
Section 9: Election for all the executive and legislative vacancy shall be held through second ballot system. In this system the election is cancelled if no candidate gets absolute majority of votes. And it is held again in which only two candidates (who had secured highest number of votes in the cancelled election) are allowed to context.
Section 10: A person cannot be candidate in election if charge has been framed against him at least three month before the date of election, for offence, for which he may be awarded maximum ten years of imprisonment or has been convicted for such offences. But if a person against whom charges have been framed believes that he has been falsely implicated in the case, he can approach to the court of same hierarchy for which he want to be candidate, at least six weeks before the nomination for the election is filed, and demand his trial within next four weeks. Court thereby to decide whether he is prima facie guilty of that offence or not if answer is negative he shall be allowed to contest in the election.
Section 11: Election for all posts going to be filled by adult franchise shall be held on the second Sunday of November and wherever it is required the second round of election shall be held on forth Sunday of November.
Section 12: The counting of vote should take place in the coming Wednesday next to the date of election.
Section 13: All the legislative bodies should start their function with effect from Second Monday of January.
Section 14: All the executive head shall take oath and takeover their offices with effect from third Monday of January.
Section 15: The internal election of legislative bodies should take place on third day of their first meet or immediate after that day if not possible on that date.
Section 16: In case of equal votes by two contester one who is outgoing holder of that post shall use his decisive vote.
Section 17: No person can contest election for more than one post at once.
Section 18: The notification for the election shall be issued five week before the first round of election. The filing of nomination shall begin four week before the first round of election. The filing of nomination shall close before three week of election. A candidate can take his candidature back before two week of first round of election.
Section 19: A candidate for any post of legislature or executive from a recognised political party shall be one who has been duly elected for such post according to rule of the party until law for such election is made.
Section 20: If a person intend to be candidate for any post, demands, that election to be conducted in presence of observer of election commission then entire internal election of a registered political party shall be conducted in presence of election observer of election commission.
Section 21: All bill deadlocked between Executive Head and legislature shall be placed for referendum at the time of general election.
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Article 21 - Political Parties

Section 1: An association or body of individual citizens of Bharat calling itself a political party and intending to avail itself privileges and authority given to a political party, is required to get it registered with the Election Commission of Bharat to be recognised as registered Political Party.
Section 2: The candidates set up by a political party registered with the Election Commission of Bharat will get preference in the matter of allotment of free symbols vis-à-vis purely independent candidates. Further, registered political parties, in course of time, can get recognition as recognised party of a particular territory, subject to the law made by Union legislature and provision of the constitution. If a political party is recognised for a particular territory, it will be entitled for exclusive allotment of its reserved symbol to the candidates set up by it in that territory.
Section 3: Election commission should not allot any mark as political symbol, which cannot be prohibited, to be carried, inside polling station.
Section 4: The Executive Head of the Political Party should duly authenticate the copy of the party Constitution on each page and the seal of the signatory should be affixed thereon.
Section 5: Three month after the general election organizational election of each political party to be held, this would include election of office-bearers of the party.
Section 6: All posts of office bearer i.e. members of main decision making organs like Executive Committee or Executive council must be elected. Nomination for any post is not allowed under any circumstances.
Section 7: Election for office post should start from lower hierarchy and should go for top hierarchy and must complete before expiration of one year since last election.
Section 8: Normal term of office bearer of a political party should be two year. The President of party and other office bearer should not remain in any post for more than two consecutive terms.
Section 9: A candidate from a political party should be decided by internal election.
Section 10: The Union legislature may by law provide rules and regulations to regulate the internal affairs of the party.
Section 11: A political party shall be treated as a recognised political party of the area, if and only if such party has been engaged in political activity as a registered political party for a continuous period of four years; and has got not less then fifteen percent of valid votes polled by all contesting candidates at such general election of that area and shall be derecognised as Political Party of that area if it fails to get minimum fifteen percent of votes in two consecutive elections.
Section 12: All political parties should maintain a record of money it is receiving, and all such money must provide with receipt.
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Article 22 - Referendum

Section 1: The referendum is the power of the electors to approve or reject the proposal of the State.
Section 2: A referendum may be held for any thing as provided in other part of the constitution.
Section 3: A referendum shall preferably be held with the general election.
Section 4: A referendum can be moved by the people with approval of majority of voters of the respective territorial unit.
Section 5: A brief explanatory statement of the nature of a proposed referendum, together with the date of the election and the wording of the proposition as it is to appear on the ballot, shall be published twice in each newspaper in the area which meets requirements set by the Legislature for the publication of official notices of offices and departments of the respective government. The explanatory statement shall be prepared by the Secretary of that government and shall be approved by the Attorney of that government including Election Commission. The Secretary of State shall send a full and complete copy of the proposed referendum to each office of SSD of the area who shall post the same in a public place in the courts at least thirty days prior to the election on said referendum. The first notice shall be published not more than sixty days nor less than fifty days before the date of the election, and the second notice shall be published on the same day in the succeeding week. The Legislature shall fix the standards for the rate of charge for the publication, which may not be higher than the newspaper’s published rate.
Section 6: The referendum shall be held in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Legislature, and the Election Commission shall make returns to the Secretary of government of area, of the number of legal votes cast at the election for and against each referendum. If it appears from the returns that a majority of the votes cast have been cast in favour of a referendum, it shall become a part of respective law, and the appropriate Election Commission thereof shall make Proclamation.
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Article 23 - Recall

Section 1: Recall is the power of the electors to remove an elective officer.
Section 2: Recall of a state officer or elected authority shall be initiated by delivering to the Election Commission a petition alleging reason for recall, with or without alternate name of a person whom they propose to appoint or elect in his place. Sufficiency of reason shall not be necessary. Proponents shall have one hundred and eighty days to file signed petitions after such initiation.
Section 3: A petition to recall an officer must be signed by electors equal in number to fifty percent of valid voter of that area.
Section 4: The Election Commission shall maintain record and specimen of the signatures of the voters.
Section 5: A recall election shall be conducted within ninety days if the next general election is not due in next one hundred and eighty days, otherwise it shall be held with next general election.
Section 6: If the majority vote on the question is to recall, the officer is removed and, if there is a candidate, the candidate who receives a plurality is the successor.
Section 7: The Election Commission shall provide for circulation, filing, and certification of petitions, nomination of candidates, and the recall election.
Section 8: A state officer who is not recalled shall be reimbursed by the State for the officer's recall election expenses legally and personally incurred. A recall cannot be initiated against the officer until expiry of one year from the date of election or previous recall.
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Article 24 - Impeachment

Section 1: When a executive head or any other officer of the state is to be impeached for violation of the constitution or law, the charge shall be preferred by lower house of legislature. But no such charge shall be preferred unless the proposal to prefer such charge is contained in a resolution which has been moved at least fourteen days notice in writing singed by not less than one-fourth of the total member or members of the house has been given of their intention to move the resolution and such resolution has been passed by special majority of that house.
Section 2: When a charge has been so preferred by lower house of legislature, the upper house may suspend such accuse by two third majority for next one month till impeachment is under process and shall investigate the charge or cause the charge to be investigated and the executive head or officer as the case may be have the right to appear and to be represented at such investigation.
Section 3: When the Upper house is dealing with impeachment of any executive head of the same government then it shall be presided by the Chief justice of that government and all the member of Upper house shall be on oath, or affirmation impartially to try the party impeached. A person against whom impeachment proceeding is taking place shall have right to be present in the proceeding and defend himself either personally or by some other person.
Section 4: If as a result of the investigation a resolution is passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the total membership of the upper house, which investigated the charge or caused to be investigated, declaring that the charge preferred against the executive head or officer has been sustained, such resolution shall have the effect of removing the officer form his office from the date on which the resolution is so passed and suspending the Executive head form his office as from the date on which the resolution is so passed so that fate of the executive head can be decided either through referendum or by constitutional bench in next one month.
Section 5: Judgment in cases of impeachment shall extend only to removal from office, and disqualification from holding any office of honour, trust or profit under this State. A party convicted on impeachment shall also be subject to indictment, trial and punishment according to law.
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Article 25 - Emergency

Section 1: If the superior Executive head is satisfied that a situation has arisen in which executive head of any subordinate government is not carrying out his work in accordance with the provisions of this constitution, or doing something which is against the unity and integrity of the nation and contrary to the tranquillity then the superior executive head may have power to suspend that executive head for one month. The subordinate Executive Head shall be issued with show cause notice by suspending authority with allegation within one week from the date of suspension, failing which it shall be presumed that subordinate executive head has not performed wrong and shall resume office.
Section 2: On receiving the notice the suspended Executive Head shall reply that show cause notice within one week, failing which it shall be presumed that alleged Executive Head has nothing to urge in his defence.
Section 3: On the expiry of date to receive reply of show cause notice the Superior Executive head shall consider the reply if any and within one week either revoke his suspension or shall have option to send the person either for impeachment by his legislature or shall have option to send the case to constitutional bench of same hierarchy for consideration. In this scenario trial by constitutional bench or impeachment by the competent authority shall begin within Seven days and Suspension of such executive head shall extend for further one month. In these kind of cases the ordering executive head shall act as prosecution.
Section 4: The competent Legislature or Constitutional Bench shall start impeachment and trial within one week from the date of receipt of request and shall complete proceeding within one month. In case he is not found guilty his suspension shall end and he shall resume his office.
Section 5: In case the removal has been decided by impeachment than executive head shall have option to go before constitutional bench, which should decide case within one month by conducting day-to-day hearing of the case. And in case not found guilty by constitutional bench then he shall resume his office as executive head.
Section 6: In case he is found guilty originally by Constitutional Bench he shall have power to go to appeal to higher Judicial Constitutional Bench which shall decide such appeal within one month from the date of receipt of such application.
Section 7: Further appeal shall remain available but special time limitation for hearing shall not be there.
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Article 26 - Vigilance
Section 1: There shall be a vigilance commission, working as an autonomous body.

Section 2: The vigilance commission shall enquire into complaint and grievances of citizens related with corruption.

Section 3: The Vigilance Commission shall develop its own method and means to sue-motto start providing unlawful gratitude to potential corrupt public servant and try to trap them.

Section 4: Notwithstanding any thing contained in any law, all activity to trap a corrupt officer shall be treated as lawful and shall be valid as evidence in court.
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Article 27 - Law and Order

Article 27 - Law and Order

Section 1: Law and order should be the concern for each and every citizen and organization of this country.

Section 2: The union government shall provide for one or more autonomous bodies to deal with specific crime or crimes.

Section 3: There shall be separate department for investigation of crime and maintenance of routine law and order. All person employed to carryout criminal investigation shall have sufficient knowledge of forensic science and law.

Section 4: The union government shall provide by law standard to be maintained by the investigating agency and their staff.
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Article 28 - Judicial Trials

Article 28 - Judicial Trials

Section 1: The purpose of judicial system is to establish the truth and should be extracted by whichever technique, it is possible, and these techniques shall be treated as ethical, valid as evidence and shall not be amounted to be violating human right.

Section 2: Scientific methods to be tested for its validity and if established to be correct should be made part of law and it shall be accepted as evidence in administration of justice.
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Let us discuss in brief benefit a normal citizen of Bharat is going to receive with implementation of this constitution: -

1. Political power, which mainly lies with politician, bureaucrats and Criminals, will shift to the hands of people. (Result of Constitution)

2. Accountability of politician will increase towards public. Every member of legislature and Executive shall be mainly responsible to the people. (Article 3, 4 & 5)

3. There has been debate since independence, how much Province should be there and which size of Province can be called a model Province. Because there are no criteria fixed for an area to be recognised as Province, district, municipality, village etc therefore political parties in our country have been emotionally charging the people on these issue and taking political advantages. Basically it is a technical issue. But in last fifty-eight year it is being dealt in most unscientific manner. Thus it is essential to have final solution to this issue. Now we have the solution to this problem. This will not make huge size Province and it will not allow and tiny Province to exist. My estimate says that there shall be maximum sixty-six Provinces and approximately there will be fifty Provinces in our country. No place in a Province shall be more than three hundred and twenty km farer from its capital. In fact average distance of a place from capital should not be more than one hundred and fifty km. A Province will have size of approximately fifty thousand square kilometres. In the same manner other units of the governments have been defined in various sections of this article. (Article 1)

4. There has been some debate in the past with regard to status of a naturalised citizen acquiring the post of Executive, judiciary and Legislature. For time being this dispute was defused by leader of Congress Party Mrs Sonia Gandhi by refusing to become Prime Minister. This kind of problem may again erupt in future. Everyone who is naturalised citizen may not be working for the noble cause. Thus we need to stop it once and for all. (Article 2)

5. Under prevailing system, the members of legislature become the part of Executive. In fact this system was suppose to provide for independent functioning of both the organ, but practically some time it was legislature who was controlling the executive and some time it was executive which has been controlling the legislature, but they never had been independent from each other. Presently most of the time a prime minister is busy satisfying the member of legislature. For example we can see the condition of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. His position is such than he is bound to act according to wish of Congress president. On the other hand he is not at all free to act for the betterment of people according to his own mind. He is being guided by various forces i.e. Congress President, Communist Parties and other supporters. People of this country have never voted for Chandrasekhar, I.K. Gujral, H.D. Deogoda and Manmohan Singh to make them prime minister. It is mockery of democracy to make such persons prime minister of the country. It is very essential to make our executive heads stronger. The people of our country need to choose the executive head directly. We need to stop the sell and purchase of legislature. Presently our legislatures are busy doing all activities except seriously legislating. We need full time legislature, who can work for the betterment of the people. We don't need legislatures who are minister, who are for sell and purchase, who are more worried for executive work than legislation. In a democracy it is the people who have to choose all executive heads and member of legislature. Thus the executive head will govern our country, in the similar manner all executive heads shall have the real executive power. The people shall directly elect them and they shall be mainly responsible to the people. (Article 3)
6. Presently member of legislature are in habit of increasing their remunerations arbitrarily. Result of provision mentioned above remuneration of members shall be in certain proportion to per capita income of people. That means if they contribute in increasing the per capita income of the people than only their remuneration shall increase otherwise even it may decline. (Article 3)
7. It has been made compulsory for a candidate to be member of legislature or executive to be inhabitant of the area from where he wants to be elected. It has been our experience that just at the time of election, a person comes from outside, makes big promises to the people and won the election. After election he flew away and didn't turn to his constituency till next election. This provision will not allow such miracle to happen. It will only allow the person having knowledge of ground realities to be a candidate. (Article 4)
8. We shall not face election every now and then. Normally election for all the bodies shall be held together, therefore generally question of resigning from one post and standing for another will not arise. But in case there is a vacancy, it will be filled by the respective executive head of the government, with approval of the legislature other than from which vacancy is going to be filled. (Article 4)
9. All members of lover house shall have tenure of two year and all member of upper house shall have tenure of six year. The people will elect them all none will be nominated. (Article 4)
10. There shall be an executive head for country, Province, district, municipality, blocks, villages etc. There shall be bicameral legislature at all these hierarchies. (Article 5)
11. If executive head is violating the law, or involved in corruption, he will be impeached by the upper house. So it would be difficult for him to act autocratically. (Article 5)
12. Executive head shall be elected for the fix tenure of four year and a person cannot be executive head of same government for three consecutive terms. (Article 5)
13. In case executive head is impeached by the legislature, the people through referendum will finally decide his fate. (Article 5)
14. Presently Bhartiya police is well known for its notorious activities. It is very common to keep the person under custody without giving him the reason for such arrest. Here Police should give in writing not only to the person being arrested, but also to its close relative, and to the social security department, which shall obviously put that information on BIN. (Article 11)
15. People of Bharat are biggest sufferer of the colonial mindset of complete bureaucracy. When ever a person approaches to seek some information, the clerks, and other relevant staff is on habbit of not providing information in time. Provision of this section and coming section will make that impossible. A person will have access to almost all unclassified information of government. (Article 11)
16. Presently the biggest excuse of bureaucracy has been that relevant person is not available therefore application of person doesn't get disposed off in time. Here you will find there is no alternative other than to take a decision with forty-five days. (Article 11)
17. Right to speedy trial means normally trial will complete within 45 days from the date of arrest or from the date of beginning of trial which ever is earlier. (Article 11)
18. Education will be compulsory for the child up to the age of fourteen year. (Article 11)
19. Given the enormous resources our country is having today, and being provided on the social well being of our countryman. It is easily possible to provide Rs one thousand per month to each old age and disabled. In fact our governments do make plan to spend for social welfare but all such money goes to uplift the welfare of politicians, bureaucrats, criminals and other relevant agencies. (Article 11)
20. Personal property being used for personal purpose will be free of tax. Tax can be levied on luxury items. (Article 11)
21. These are right to food, health, house, education and employment. Unfortunately Bharat never had good social security. Even those who want to honest, find difficult to survive. Most of the employees do not get adequate payment. At the same time even the person having thousands of rupee always remain sceptical about health services in the country. The present health services are costing enormously. It is not exaggeration to say that even a Gazetted officer finds it difficult to get proper treatment at the need of hour. We have got the resources, we can provide the health services at almost free of cost to the needy person. If the state starts providing food security, health services, education, employment, housing to people, everyone knows that corruption is bound to decline. (Article 11)
22. In case of disaster, affected people shall be adequately and immediately attended. (Article 12)
23. We can do lot of help to the people by making railway, of a good standard. Let us discuss the problem we are facing today and then we shall discuss the solution of those problems. (Article 12)
First let us talk about problems: -
· Normal travelling time for a common man is quite longer comparing to those who travel by Rajdhani and Satabdi express.
· Though a normal person does not have enough resources require travelling in these trains but definitely he wants equal speed of travelling.
· It is known to everyone that in most long distance trains there are only one or two general compartments. Conditions of these compartments are worst than anything else. Our country has law, which prohibits excess crowd of animals in a truck or trains, but humans are being treated worst than them.
· On one hand we find people are suffocated in the general compartment on the other air-conditioned coaches remain empty.
· There are three types of railway tracks. Broad Gauge, Meter Gauge, and Narrow Gauge. Whereas there is need for broad gauge only.
How these problems can be solved: -
· There is need for Tivragami, Tivranidra and Durastha trains.
· Tivragami train is one, which has only compartment like those now we find in Jansatabdi express, fully reserved coaches, covering maximum distance of fifteen hundred km. They shall have speed not less than Rajdhani and Satabdi express. These trains will normally start from there originating stations in the morning and will reach to its last stops by late in the evening. These trains will have fair, that is equal to present general compartment.
· Tivranidra express shall be those trains, which will cover distance below two thousand km. These trains will start from originating stations normally after working hours and will reach to its last stations before working hour of next day begins. These trains will have only sleeper compartment and will have charge twice to the general compartment. These trains will not have speed less than Rajdhani express.
· Durastha express shall be those, which will be running more than fifteen hundred km. These trains will be with sleeper compartment. Having speed not less than Rajdhani express. Other facility will similar to that of Tivranidra express. Charges will be equal to Tivranidra.
· All lines with meter and narrow gauge shall be converted into broad gauge. It will not include line(s), which have been declared as world heritage by the UNESCO.
· Railway shall issue concession passes other than present passes, for term of a year. These passes will allow journey thirty times, Sixty times, Ninety times and hundred fifty times. These passes to be stamped for date at the entrance of railway station so that these journey can be calculated. These passes can be issued for any distance.
24. Social security department (SSD) will be established up the level of village and all welfare schemes will be monitored and if required will be implemented by this department. (Article 14)
25. Bhartiya Information Network (BIN) will be established to maintain record of all people, land and other valuable property. (Article 14)
26. Free and adequate health facility is having wide meaning. We are yet to open primary health care centre at the gross root. There are diagnostic techniques available but not only poor people but to an extent even middle class family is not able to use these technique well in time. This facility will be extended to all the people. (Article 15)
27. The State shall provide comprehensive health care to all residents. Treatment and transportation of patients shall be based on medical priority regardless of patient’s income. Patients shall pay charges for prescriptions except people below poverty line, children, expectant mothers, pensioners and other groups specified by law. (Article 15)
28. Government hospital doctors shall not be allowed to practice privately except according to provision made by law. If require State Hospitals patients shall be treated at public expense in private hospitals. (Article 15)
29. Preventive services shall be designed to safeguard the health of pregnant women and mothers with young children. Pregnant workingwomen have the right to visit clinics during working hours. Nearly all workingwomen shall keep their babies in hospital, returning home shortly after to be attended by a midwife or health visitor and, where necessary, the family doctor. Child health centres shall check the physical and mental health of pre-school children. (Article 15)
30. Statutory maternity pay should be available for up to eighteen weeks when a woman is away from work because of her pregnancy. To qualify, a woman must have worked for the same employer for at least six month. If a woman does not qualify for maternity pay, she may receive a maternity allowance if she has worked for an employer or as a self-employed person and paid a specified number of national insurance contributions. The allowance is paid for eighteen weeks. (Article 15)
31. There shall be unemployment allowance of Rs one thousand per month to all unemployed youth who are not graduate, graduate will get Rs two hundred per month etc, post graduates will get Rs Five Hundred etc and youth doctorate degree shall get Rs one thousand etc. (Article 16)
32. It has been seen since independence that politicians in our country have emotionally blackmailed our citizens in favour of Hindi and regional language. Whereas most of these politicians, top bureaucrat, businessman get their child educated at English medium school. It has resulted in making huge gape between person got education in regional or national language and English. These elitist groups have well succeeded in their conspiracy. This conspiracy has culminated in a situation where we find that person educated in Hindi and regional languages are not getting top jobs. It is our duty to eliminate this discrimination. Let everyone enjoy not only Hindi or regional language but also English so that he can make success in his life. (Article 17)
33. Presently we find that all good quality educational institution is situated either in Delhi or at other top metro cities. There are Provinces, which do not have these facilities. It is not require mentioning names of those Provinces. But the present Constitution will not allow such discrimination. (Article 18)
34. This constitution clearly provides that if a person get qualified for admission in any educational or professional course, if do not have financial recourses, he will not be denied that education. (Article 18)
35. Yoga will be compulsory in schools; this will lead them to healthy life. (Article 18)
36. Sports shall be essential part of life and education. Our country has the potential to become sports superpower if facility is provided to the potential sportsman. (18)
37. Uncontrolled Population is the biggest problem. Our experience shows that only compulsory fertility elimination operation can make our population under control. Out demography is changing fast due to uncontrolled birth of child by certain irresponsible elements. (Article 19)
38. After duly considering the present policy of government on birth control, it became clear that not even single policy of government directly hit the actual problem. It is easily possible to provide Rs one hundred thousand to those parents who are ready to accept family welfare schemes after one child. This amount of Rs one hundred thousand will be fixed in post office and will be given to them at the age of twenty-one year to the child. Not only this but state should also provide Rs five hundred per month to the parents for protection and betterment of that single child. This will encourage all those to adopt one-child norms hitherto reluctant to accept any such programme. This will further benefit those girls, which are not getting married due to financial or other reasons. (Article 19)
39. Election will be held together for all the posts and other date given in the relevant section. There will be use of second ballot system to ensure that one who is chosen has got the majority of votes. (Article 20)
40. What is a political party, how and when election in a political party is going to be held has been explained in this constitution. All most all political party claims to be champion of democracy but most of them do not exercise democratic method in their internal affairs, such party cannot remain registered Political Party. (Article 21)
41. There is provision for referendum. If any matter is not being settled by the executive and legislature or if any issue public want to be addressed and not being addressed by the elected body, people may give their final verdict on all such issues through referendum. (Article 22)
42. Our experience says that once election is over, few representatives become highly irresponsible. Basically they should act like our immediate protector and should help the people in need of hour if people face problem in their public life, unfortunately they do not do so. There is provision to call such irresponsible elements. (Article 23)
43. It is our experience that cases kept pending for almost years, and sometimes a person dies without getting justice. Though these advance method of trial will not have effect retrospectively, but those who feel they are innocent and have been implicated in false cases can volunteer themselves for going through trial under advance technique, if found innocent there is no reason why these persons should remain in custody. To improve the system of administration of justice it shall be required to use advance method like Polygraph test, brain mapping test and Narcotic-analysis test. These method should be applied on all relevant persons to establish the truth in presence of trained judicial authority, under audio and video recording and same shall be valid as evidence in judicial trials. During such investigation defence and prosecuting lawyers shall be allowed to see the live questioning on audio video system and in manner established by law they shall be allowed to put question to person in question, but the same question first shall be recorded in audio video system and with approval of experts it shall be put to the person in question. Advance methods of DNA testing, advance forensic and medical technique to be used for investigation. (Article 28)
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