Section 1: A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people, it shall be the duty of the State to make suitable law for establishing, supporting and maintenance of an efficient system of public free schools for elementary education and other schools for higher and special education.
Section 2: Education shall be divided into elementary education, Higher education and special education.
Section 3: The local government shall provide for compulsory elementary education.
Section 4: The Provincial government shall provide for Higher education, which shall include most degree level courses of different branches.
Section 5: The Union government shall arrange for establishment, control and maintenance of specialist institution at least one at every Province on one field and in doing so Union government shall ensure that there should not be gape of more then one institution between maximum and minimum institutes in any two Provinces.
Section 6: State must insure that no one is denied admission in any field of education merely because he lacks in monitory resources.
Section 7: State should provide by law recovery of money paid off on education of person, when he start earning at some later stage. But no law can recover money from a citizen who does not have income after completion of education.
Section 8: Yoga and Sports shall be essential part of elementary education.
Section 9: Denial of convergence to every citizen is denial of right to information and education thus at every village and at every ward of a city, the state shall ensure a Convergence centre generally with Internet facility. All citizens below poverty line shall have access to these centres at least one hour a day free of cast. All citizens above poverty line shall be provided with access to these convergent centres at minimum cost, which, shall be decided by law. Internet line to citizen shall be provided chiefly at their residence.
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